What is hemp?
Hemp in history
The first confirmed data on hemp cultivation are from 4000 BC in the territory corresponding to present-day China. From there it would reach Europe via Persia, India and Central Asia in the following millennia, until it became one of the most important industrial crops.
In Spain, hemp cultivation was of great importance after the Reconquest, at the same time as the country became the world’s leading maritime power. Both the sails and the ropes used in its ships were made of this material, which offers greater flexibility and resistance.
In fact, even the caravels of Christopher Columbus, Santa Maria, La Niña and La Pinta, had sails and ropes made of hemp.
Due to the importance of the industrial hemp for navigation, they would be also the Spaniards the first ones in taking the hemp to America, although later English, Dutch, Portuguese and French also would introduce it in their respective colonies.
During centuries, as much the recreational use of the hemp through the nutritional one was circumscribed to the Asian continent. In addition, its consumption was habitual in certain religious ceremonies having a ceremonial and occasional character.
Finally, already in the 20th century, the popularity of the variety of hemp that produced led to the control or prohibition of its cultivation in several countries of the world, including the United States and the European Union.
In Spain, hemp cultivation was legalized in 1999, always with a special permit from the authorities, while in the United States, legalization arrived in 2018.
Hemp applications in industry
Ever since humans discovered hemp, they have used hemp fibre to create various products necessary for their daily lives.
The manufacture of hemp paper took its first steps in the first century BC. C. in China, being one of the keys in the development of its writing. Its formula was considered a state secret for centuries, until its arrival in Europe in the 15th century.
Nowadays, however, hemp paper is quite a minority, despite its greater durability (documents of more than 1500 years made of this material have been preserved) and resistance.
Its greatest advantage is that it is more resistant to tearing and moisture, so it is added to recycled paper and different types of art paper, banknotes, cigarette paper or even filters for machines.
Hemp ropes have also been fundamental in the history of mankind. The reason is that it is a material that is resistant to mould, humidity and ultraviolet rays, being perfect for long ocean crossings.
Along with ropes, hemp has also had great applications in the textile industry. From ship sails to tunics, trousers (e.g. the first Levis jeans), shirts and even shoes.
Its hardness, strength and durability made this material one of the most interesting as work clothing.
Nowadays, due to its texture it can be rough, similar to linen, it is combined with cotton to give a softer result and suitable for these times.
Hemp in food
It was one of its first uses and is another one that is growing in recent years. Hemp feeding is becoming increasingly common, whether through hemp meal, seeds, oils or protein.
Among the most important properties of hemp is its high protein content. Hemp seeds have all the essential amino acids in quantities only surpassed by soya in the vegetable world.
Therefore, and also due to its high content of essential fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, is an ideal food for vegetarian and vegan diets, offering a greater absorption capacity for the body thanks to its vitamins and minerals.
With a taste similar to almonds, hemp is mainly used to make desserts such as cakes or cookies, although it is also common to consume it in tabouleh or even in pesto.
Recreational or therapeutic is the hemp flower before being fertilized. For that reason, crops only use female plants.
However, both male and female plants are used in industrial hemp cultivation. In fact, hemp seeds, which appear after the fertilization of their flowers, are one of the most nutritionally interesting foods available today, especially for vegan diets due to their high protein content.