28 Mar, 2025


3 mins read

H-tsh has been created for robotics beginners. We offer courses, books and useful links for you to read and learn.

Robotics engineers are involved in the design, construction and programming of robotic systems. In June 2017, Boston Consulting Group estimated that the robotics market would grow to $87 billion by 2025. In February 2018, ResearchAndMarkets analysts estimated this figure at $48.1 billion.

What knowledge is needed

Modern robotics is based on knowledge of programming, mechanics, mechatronics, electrical engineering, electronics and automatic control.

To master robotics at the basic level, school knowledge in mathematics and physics is enough. It is difficult to assemble a functioning robot without understanding the physics of motion and the principles of operation of mechanisms and electric motors.

Then come computer science and design. Since programming is as important as mathematics in robotics, it is important to understand computer science and information systems. Designing will help to create convenient products. But knowledge from other engineering disciplines will also be useful.

Robotics Directions

Mechanical engineering studies the physical components of the robot – its “body”. Subtopics – mechanics and resistance of materials. Most of the courses in this direction are focused on physical design and activation of the robot.

Electrical engineering and electronics or “nervous system” are engaged in electrical systems inside the robot, embedded systems, low-level programming and control theory. Usually it is automation, which is built around the control of the robot.

Computer science – many specialists have come to robotics thanks to their passion for computer science. Engineers in this field focus on robot software and high-level programming. Among the topics – artificial intelligence, navigation, technical vision, natural language processing and so on.

Online courses

“Industrial Innovation: Mechatronics and Robotics”

he course will help students to determine which direction of robotics they want to develop: studying structure and kinematics, drives, control and programming, organization of production, design automation and so on. School knowledge in mathematics and physics is enough for the course.


Teachers touch upon two classes of robots: kinematic chains and mobile bases. Students learn to simulate the task of delivering cargo to a specified location. To do this, they will learn about two- and three-dimensional spatial projections.

Students will learn how to operate and move robots and plan complete robotic systems. Projects are carried out in Python and C++ languages. It also requires a first to second year of university level math knowledge.

“Building robots and other devices on the Arduino. From traffic lights to 3D printers.

The course consists of practical tasks that are collected and programmed on the basis of Arduino. The devices created read the data from the sensors, process the data, receive and send it to the computer, the Internet and smartphones. Students learn about design, components, circuitry, programming and diagnostics. The course does not require any special skills and is aimed at everyone.

“Introduction to robotics”

The specialization consists of three courses: from theory to practice. The first course focuses on the prospects of robotics and the role of robots in society. The second one teaches the basics of mathematics and programming to move robots, necessary in practical exercises. The third will teach how to create and program a simple robot with LEGO Mindstorms.

“Artificial Intelligence in Robotics”

The course covers basic methods in artificial intelligence, including probabilistic deduction, planning and search, localization, tracking and control with a focus on robotics. Program examples and assignments are used in the context of drone development. The final project will be the creation of a robot that tries to escape. The course is part of the Mercedes-Benz program “Become a drone engineer”.